ADD/ADHD Individual and Group Coaching

Why people living with ADHD can benefit from having an ADD/ADHD community
We are living in a time of all time high stress, anxiety and depression affecting our personal and professional lives.
While change and uncertainty are challenging for everyone, they can hit those of us managing ADHD and other types of neuro-divergence especially hard. We can have challenges with short-term memory, struggle with diminished Executive Function - and it's often more challenging for us to create habits that stick. Then there are issues with being overly defensive, lacking confidence while overproducing, and constantly worrying about rejection. As a result, we tend to be incredibly reliant on external support systems and behavioral hacks.
We typically put everything on to-do lists, whether on sticky notes that pile up and get lost, or in calendar apps. We need to put our medications in a spot we visit every morning, so we remember to take them. And we try to set ourselves up for success by doing certain types of activities at the same time each day. I have my meds visible on my bedside table and I keep an ADHD-friendly, spiral planner with me at all times, which I refer to often to capture spontaneous ideas and jot down tasks.
When ADD/ADHD throws your life up in the air, it can feel like starting from zero every day – leading to anxiety, overwhelm, depression, and Imposter Syndrome.
Mastermind and Coaching Groups
I’m starting with small groups to help people and get this right and build systems for more people to succeed. My role is to guide group members to co-create roadmaps and share perspectives that will accelerate success and kindle more happiness.
In Epsilon Mastermind groups, we bring together members who enjoy the benefits of sharing and learning distinct and relevant ADHD management tips and strategies. Mastermind Group members are a small, allied group of peers who respect each others’ privacy and value the truths and challenges being expressed by group members.
What qualifies me to lead ADD/ADHD Groups
Brett Greene, MA Counseling Psychology and Executive Coach
I understand those experiences! After being diagnosed with ADHD (including Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria) I recently realized how frequently ADHD had been the cause of many of the upsets and derailments in my life.
My diagnosis helped to explain why I’ve always been anxious and feeling incompetent in many career situations, generally assuming I’m doing everything the ‘wrong’ way in others eyes because my way is often quite different from how most people would do things. I have thought that there’s something broken about me after losing jobs, feeling disconnected from my family and co-workers, being an inattentive relationship partner, having low self confidence (despite having impressive successes), and being unnecessarily defensive - knowing that at some point I’m going to accidentally do or say something that will create a negative result.
This is an area where I can help create positive changes for people like me. After several years of research, reading loads of books, talking to mental health and ADHD experts and professionals, I thought there had to be a better way to help more people succeed, despite dealing with ADHD symptoms. I got excited by this idea and leapt down the rabbit hole to unearth the beginning of something profound for me.
I saw how to make the most of my education in Psychology, my experience living with ADHD, and nearly 20 years working as a business coach to entrepreneurs. My goal is to create and share workable, easy systems for people managing ADHD symptoms to be more successful in their careers, as entrepreneurs, and tech leaders and founders.
Why you should join one or more of our ADD/ADHD Groups
Maybe you are undiagnosed, but experience ADHD symptoms. While there is no replacement for a professional diagnosis from a licensed expert, if any of this feels familiar, you can take this test to assess whether you might have a neurodiverse brain.
I really want to convey that you’re not broken or alone! There are many ways to make the most of your ADHD Superpowers and better manage your ADHD Kryptonite behaviors. How would you like to experience more happiness and less stress?
When you join a group of allies who are also managing ADHD, or establish one-on-one coaching with an ADHD specialist, both solutions can assist you in building better support strategies, systems and communities.
Imagine living in a world where you could get a slide deck done in 90 minutes, instead of spending all weekend on it? What if something was due on Monday at noon and you were 100% sure you could get it done on time, be productive, and not worry about emotional dysregulation? Would you like to learn how to break things into easy and manageable pieces?
You may never have a better working memory or Executive Function, but you can develop helpful systems that will back you up, reduce your stress, and provide more time to do the stuff you really want to do, and probably have been missing. These are some new habits and more proactive behaviors I’ve helped people create.
Check out coaching options for people living with ADHD to discover the best options for you!
Individual Coaching
One-on-one coaching sessions focus on making clients feel seen and understood. Together we will create strategies and systems that assist you to better use your ADHD Superpowers, dance through your ADHD Kryptonite, and grow your business with a layer of executive business coaching.
Whether you want to meet weekly or bi-weekly for three months, six months, or for an entire year, there’s a coaching program that will meet your needs and availability. The more sessions you schedule, the more you save on coaching fees. We also give regular clients scheduling priority.
Entrepreneurs and Leaders with ADD/ADHD Mastermind Group
Entrepreneurs and ADHD go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you're an entrepreneur, you may know that there's a high correlation between entrepreneurs and ADD/ADHD - and for ADHD, there are frequently one or more ancillary neurodevelopmental conditions present, like dyslexia, depression, anxiety and, less frequently, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).
You probably became an entrepreneur for many reasons. You may have been excited about a problem, said someone should fix it, jumped into creating your unique solution, product, or service, and then realized that you’re not good at figuring out how hard it’ll be.
Adults managing ADHD are 300% more likely to be entrepreneurs and 72% of entrepreneurs have mental health conditions with 29% having a lifetime condition of ADHD. We’ve worked with hundreds of tech leaders and entrepreneurs and realize that this is a big issue for many of the people in our community.
This is a one-of-a-kind Mastermind Group experience for entrepreneurs and executives living with ADD/ADHD. You have a rare opportunity to get two-for-one coaching for both your business and managing ADHD in a professional, peer-supported environment led by an expert coach who fully understands your challenges and gifts.
ADD/ADHD Community Coaching Group
Twice each month you can connect with people who, like you, are trying to navigate the waters of work and personal life, while living with ADHD. We’re experiencing one of the most stressful times in world history. You are not alone if you are living with extreme levels of anxiety, depression, and overwhelm. Having a community of supportive people facing similar experiences and challenges can be very comforting and liberating!
In this Coaching Group, we share challenges, lifestyle and productivity hacks, and our experiences in a safe and supportive environment with professional coaching guidance. Together we explore systems and structures to add to your neurodivergent management toolbelt.
We will explore better ways to manage your executive functioning and working memory challenges, often brought on by increased anxiety, overwhelm, miscommunication, interrupting, inattentiveness, multi-tasking demands, distractibility, procrastination, and weak organization skills.
Client Testimonial
“I didn’t find out that I had ADHD until I was 51. Getting that diagnosis put a lot of things in perspective for me as someone who has been starting SAAS companies for 20 years. There’s a reason why I’m attracted to entrepreneurship. First, it taps into a lot of the things I’m good at around problem solving and getting a healthy dose of new challenges. Second, I probably wasn’t a terrific employee. My undiagnosed ADHD made it hard for me to be good at taking on complex projects, staying organized, and meeting deadlines. Unfortunately, working for myself didn’t make me good at that stuff, it just meant that I couldn’t get fired.
Brett has really helped me to level up as an entrepreneur. Together, we’ve been ramping up my executive function skills so that I can delegate better, get big projects done more efficiently, and spend more time leveraging my ADHD superpowers. I’m having more fun than I’ve ever had and becoming the entrepreneur I’ve always wanted to be.”
- RG, Serial SaaS Founder and Chief Revenue Officer